Category Archives: Landlord Tenant Law

After a tenancy has been terminated or expired, and the premises have been vacated by the tenant through surrender, abandonment, or otherwise, a landlord may find themselves in possession of abandoned personal property which remains on the premises. Although a landlord may be tempted to immediately sell or dispose of the abandoned property, they… Read More »

Prior to entering into a “rent to own” agreement with your tenant, you may want to think twice. In a recent landlord/tenant case (Harner v. Carter, Case No. 2014 32269 COCI (Fla. 7th Jud. Circuit, Volusia County) the Court explained that “eviction is not the appropriate remedy where the occupant of the property has equity… Read More »

Unlawful Detainer, Chapter 82, Florida Statutes versus Eviction, Chapter 83, Florida Statutes
In essence, this cause of action applies to situations where friends, family members, significant others, or other persons are allowed to stay on a premises for a certain amount of time or under certain conditions, with no obligation to contribute monetarily or otherwise, and then refuse to leave after the end of the agreed… Read More »

Eviction Action – 3 Day Notice for Non-Payment of Rent – Condition Precedent
You can be evicted if you do not pay your rent. It’s simple, “you pay you stay and you don’t you go.” Your landlord must, by law, first follow several specific steps prior to filing an eviction action with a court of competent jurisdiction. The first step must be to give you a 3-day notice for non-payment of rent. The 3-day… Read More »

Landlord Legal Responsibilities in Florida
Renting property in Florida entails many legal responsibilities; such as how you pick your tenant(s) to when and how you return a security deposit or make a claim on it. If a landlord does not know the law, it can cost them time and money. Let’s say for example, you decide that since your… Read More »

Does Your Florida Lease Meet the State Requirements?
For the landlord and the tenant, the rental agreement or lease that is signed by the parties sets out the contractual basis of the relationship and is full of crucial business details, such as how long the tenant can occupy the rental property; the amount of the rent that will be charged and the… Read More »